French Public holidays, Festivals and Religious holidays
There are twelve public holidays in France.They are; 1st January, the 1st and 8th May, Easter Monday, Ascension day, Whit Monday, the 14th July, the 15th August, the 1st and 11th November and the 25th December.
Unlike in the United Kingdom where Public Holidays generally fall on a Monday or Friday, in France "Jours Fériés" and "Fêtes Nationales" (14th July) are taken strictly on the day on which they fall. Many larger shops now open on Public Holidays, but it is always best to check before you go.
It is worth noting that when Public Holidays in France fall on a Tuesday or Thursday, it is commonplace to take off the Monday or Friday as well. This can mean extra crowds at tourist places although it shouldn't affect the opening of shops. Known as "Faire le pont" (making a bridge).
Whit Monday. Having been abolished in 2005 it was restored in 2008.