Tax & Financial Advice

                    Jennie Poate - Regional Manager for Siddalls France

Independent Financial Advice - your key to a worry free life in France

Choosing the right adviser is an important step towards making the most of your money, particularly so when you are moving abroad or are already here. Whilst finding the perfect home is a priority, planning finances can be overlooked.  You need an adviser who will always work in your best interest and can help you understand the complexities of the financial world. The first step in ensuring you receive the best possible advice is to use an independent financial adviser who is authorised and regulated both in the UK and France. There are very few who are qualified to advise people moving overseas, who have the expertise relating to both fiscal systems and understand the UK and French rules.

Why do I need advice?

There are a number of issues you need to be aware of and take advice on having arrived in France, even if you have been here a number of years. Proper planning is essential. Here are some of the main areas where an independent financial adviser can help you.

  • Pensions. Whether you have already retired or still have some years to retirement, living in France will have an effect on your pension arrangements. Issues such as pension legislation, tax and currency fluctuations must be taken into consideration in pension planning. There may be options with your pension when it matures that need to be considered carefully to make the most of your money.
  • Investments. When you move to France your investments and savings will move with you. Did you know that when you become a French resident your ISA’s and Premium Bonds will be liable to tax? Similarly, did you know there are specialist investment vehicles available in France that allow you to shelter you investments from tax? You may have endowment policies that are due to mature after you move here or an inheritance from a relative that may cause unexpected headaches if you do not know the French system.
  • Tax. Many people living in France believe they will pay more tax than they did in the UK. However, with the right planning you could actually find yourself with a lower tax bill. 
  • Inheritance planning. The legal system in France differs from the UK, in particular when it comes to laws surrounding inheritance. The French succession laws mean that you are not free to dispose of your estate as you would like and will probably need to take action to insure your wishes are met.

These are only some of the main areas where taking independent financial advice is highly recommended and as advice is based on each individual’s personal and financial circumstances we can help develop a solution that will meet your individual needs.  


As Summer visitors start to drift away and we get “our” regions back to ourselves, thoughts turn to all those jobs that we have put off during the holidays.

For those with children, late August/ early September is all about getting the list of books, pens and equipment needed for the new school year and getting to the local shops before they sell out.

Gardeners will also start to think about the Autumn jobs that need to be before winter sets in.

Why not also make this year’s “rentrée” the time when you finally put your finances in order?

Just run through the following list and see whether you have ever said any of these things. If so, it might be worth having a rethink, as taking no action could be an expensive mistake for you and/or your family.

I am still resident in the UK, so don’t need to make any financial arrangements in France

It is a common misconception that residence is a matter of choice. Whilst, of course, we can choose where to live, fiscal residence is also a matter of fact. Many people split their time between the UK and France and could quite legitimately claim that they are still UK resident. However, there are also a large number of people who spend almost all of their time in France but are still “UK resident” for tax purposes.

Each country has its own set of rules regarding residence, but if more than one country can claim you are resident there, and if there is a tax treaty in place between the countries, it is this which will determine where you are fiscally resident. Put simply, if you split your time between homes in the UK and France, where you spend more time is likely to be considered your place of residence.

Even if you are still resident in the UK and only use your property in France for holidays, this property will be subject to the French inheritance rules in the event of your death and it is therefore sensible to ensure that you understand who will inherit what when you die.

I will pay far more tax in France than Britain

France has long had a reputation for high taxation, which spends its taxes properly on its infrastructure. Whilst it is true that the cost of running a business here could be significantly higher than in other European countries, for individuals, French income tax compares favourably with its neighbours.

One area which concerns British people is the “Impôt de solidarité sur la Fortune” (ISF), or wealth tax. This is an annual tax on your capital assets, which is alien to British taxpayers. The tax is applied once assets exceed €1,300,000 and your “principal residence” benefits from a 30% discount when calculating the value of assets.

However, for anyone having taken up French residence since August 2008, you do not need to declare any “non French” assets for the five years after you become resident.

Of course, it is sensible to do your sums before making any decisions about moving to another country permanently, but to live in France on an almost permanent basis and not declare yourself resident because you are worried about the tax bills could not only be a mistake but could land you in hot water with the authorities and could mean you are paying more tax than is necessary.

The French system is too complicated and I just want an easy life

It does sometimes seem that everything in France was invented to keep the bureaucrats happy, but with proper advice and guidance, the French system need not be that daunting. In any case, ignoring a potential problem because it seems too complicated to sort out generally just makes that problem worse.

Getting seemingly complicated technicalities explained in plain English could prove to be invaluable in the long run.

I have written a will in the UK and my family knows my wishes

Living permanently in France means that your worldwide assets are subject to French inheritance rules and taxes in the event of your death. The only exception for people with assets in the UK and France is any property (real estate) in the UK, which will still be subject to the rules and taxes that side of The Channel.

If you do still have property in the UK, your UK will is still valid as far as that property is concerned. However, the rest of your assets will fall under the strict French rules, as originally decreed by Napoleon under the “Code Civil”.

Qualified professional advice will help you to ensure that you understand the French rules and make use of them to suit your circumstances because dying without making prior arrangements could leave your heirs with some very nasty surprises.

My money is all in Sterling and I don’t want to change it to Euros

We would always advise people to have at least some income and/or capital in Euros, as that is the currency you use to buy your baguette and other essentials.

However, whilst the recent weakening of the Euro has made the situation slightly better, it is understandable if people do not necessarily want to exchange Sterling for Euros currently. That does not mean that proper financial planning for life in France is not possible. Tax-efficient options still exist for those not wishing to invest in Euros, so long term decisions can be made now and currency decisions can be postponed if you wish.

What’s the point in bothering? I will eventually go back to the UK

Whilst the longer term plan may well be to return eventually to the UK, doing no planning now could mean that you pay more in taxes on your income than you need to and you could land your heirs with big headaches if you die whilst still resident in France.

It is perfectly possible to structure your affairs so that they are tax-efficient for life in France now, without having to undo all that planning if you move back to the UK in the future.

French Savings & Investments

Bank Accounts

French banks offer current accounts,“Comptes Courants”, instant access savings accounts, “Comptes sur Livret”, and fixed term deposits, offering better interest rates for over one month, “Comptes à Terme”. For large amounts a “Certificat de Dépôt Négotiable” can offer slightly improved interest and a shorter term if necessary.

For French residents, there are also various tax-free bank deposit accounts. The most common are the 'Livret A' and the 'Livret de Développement Durable' (LDD).

The maximum investment per person, plus accrued interest, is €22,950 for the ‘Livret A’ and €12,000 for the ‘LDD’.

The general conditions of the accounts are the same and are regulated by the government. Interest is totally tax free and, the annual interest rate is 1.75%. Rates are generally reviewed on a six-monthly basis.

For low-taxpayers, the “Livret d’Epargne Populaire” (LEP) offers an interest rate of
2.25% for savings limited to €7,700 each. To qualify, you prove, via a tax certificate,
that you pay less than a specific amount of income tax in France.

The “Plan d’Epargne Logement” (PEL) is a four year savings plan, aimed at saving for house purchase and home improvement. There is no tax payable on the interest earned whilst you are saving. If the sum is then used for the above purpose and has been blocked for four years, it can be withdrawn free of income tax but will be subject to “social taxes”.

Share Dealing

You can hold a share dealing account at your bank, a stockbroker, or on the internet.
The normal safe custody account is called a “Compte Titres”. A share is an “action” and a Government or Corporate Bond is an “obligation”.

Most people deal in shares through a specific form of investment called a “Plan d’Epargne en Actions” or PEA. This account allows you to hold and deal in French and European shares and provides considerable tax advantages ON CONDITION THAT no withdrawals are made for the first five years.  Taxes may be applicable depending on when the withdrawal is made. Please see our information on our website.

Life Assurance

One of the most popular forms of investment for French residents is the “Contrat d’Assurance Vie”, a Life Assurance Investment Bond (investments with a Life Assurance company).

The reason that such policies are so popular is because they offer significant inheritance advantages, as well as beneficial tax treatment for any growth and/or income generated.

To benefit from the preferential tax treatment of these policies, the insurance company provides the “wrapper”, but investors are then able to choose the investments which will be held within this, either from a list of funds produced by the insurance company, or, for larger sums (generally €500,000+), a discretionary investment manager can be appointed to run a bespoke portfolio.

All French insurance companies also offer access to their “Fonds en Euros”. This basically means that the insurance company invests as they see fit but, in return, they guarantee that the investment cannot go down in value and must go up by a certain amount each year. At the end of each year they work out how much they have made and distribute investors’ shares of the “profits” as interest. These investments are obliged to be very conservative, due to the level of guarantees offere. As a result, they are therefore only making about 3% a year at present, due to low interest rates.

An alternative to the “Contrat d’Assurance Vie” is a “Bon de Capitalisation”, Capital Redemption Bond.

The basic contract terms are the same for both policies, as is the income and social tax treatment. However, “Bons de Capitalisation” carry no inheritance advantages and the value of the policy on death is part of your estate.

There are two clear advantages of using these policies. Firstly, for wealth tax purposes, the amount that is declared is the initial investment amount (or the current value, if lower). Secondly, a “Bon de Capitalisation” can be gifted during your lifetime or left on death, which could be useful if the aim is to pass on a “family portfolio”.

Note: Siddalls are qualified and registered independent financial advisers in France and are not lawyers or accountants. Please remember that the above comments are merely a summary of our understanding of current legislation. This summary cannot hope to cover all the details of French savings and investments and you should always seek appropriate advice before deciding on any changes to your arrangements.


During the presidential election campaign earlier this year we heard a great deal about the need to raise taxes to help reduce France’s budget deficit. With François Hollande having defeated Nicolas Sarkozy and his Socialist party gaining a majority in both houses of parliament, the way is now clear for the new president to begin his promised overhaul of the tax system.
After its passage through parliament, the Loi de Finances Rectificative 2012 (2) was enacted on 17 August. This first piece of legislation did not contain much of what had been predicted and we will have to wait until the Autumn to see what the Loi de Finances 2013 might have in store for us (the planned budget measures for next year will be announced in September).
However, there were a number of changes in legislation which will have a direct impact upon many of you. 

Last year there was a significant review of the rules regarding the Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune (ISF), increasing the threshold to €1.3 million and reducing the number of tax bands to two.
These changes have partially been reversed and whilst the threshold remains at €1.3 million, the bands used to calculate the tax due are the same as those used last year. This has been called an “exceptional” tax for 2012 and this leads us to think that a more detailed review of this tax will be announced for 2013. We will, of course, keep you informed.
The tax rates for this year are;
€800,001 to €1,310,000         0.55%
€1,310,001 to €2,570,000      0.75%
€2,570,001 to €4,040,000      1.00%
€4,040,001 to €7,710,000      1.30%
€7,710,001 to €16,790,000    1.65%
Above €16,790,000                1.80%

Therefore, if you are liable to wealth tax you will actually receive two bills this year. You will either have already paid, or have to pay by 15 September, an amount based on the calculation set out by the previous government.

You will then receive a further bill in October, for the difference between what you have paid and the “new” calculation.

The effect of combining these two calculations is that the bill this year should be approximately what you paid last year.

As a result of this new legislation, the amount that can be left to children by their parents on death has been reduced from €159,325 to €100,000 (per child by each parent).
As well as reducing the amount that can be left to children on death, the new law also has reduced the amounts that can be gifted during a parent’s lifetime without an immediate tax charge to €100,000. Previously such gifts could be renewed every six years, although this was increased to ten earlier this year and has now been increased again to fifteen years.
This also means that in the event of death during the fifteen year period after any gift, the value of the gifts will “come back into the account” for inheritance tax purposes.
This means that it has become even more important than previously to invest in ways that can help reduce future inheritance tax bills.


The increase in “social taxes” (Contributions Sociales) on investment income and gains to 15.5%, which was planned by the previous government, has unsurprisingly been maintained!

The one change that has grabbed all the headlines in the expat press is the decision to impose “social taxes” (currently 15.5%) on property income earned by non-residents (on both rental income and capital gains).


We are anticipating a full review of wealth tax in the near future, and higher rates of income tax at the top end of the scale; this was part of M Hollande’s presidential campaign.

Other things that have been mentioned are the doubling of the maximum amount which may be invested in a Livret A Account. This has now been increased to €19,000 as a temporary increase with a further one planned later in the year.

Changes also to the capital gains tax rules for property and the removal of taxation at source at fixed rates (prélèvements libératoires) on bank interest, dividend income, capital gains and withdrawals from assurance vie policies within the first eight years after the initial investment.

As always, we will keep you updated as and when any further changes to tax law are announced.

European Inheritance rules : Good news for expatriates?

First the bad news: one of the first measures taken by the new Government in France was to reduce inheritance allowances for your children, so French inheritance rules and taxes remain at the heart of any planning for your life in France.

However, a recent European Union regulation has sought to clarify the complication of cross-border inheritances within Europe.

From 2015, a UK National, living in France will be able to choose the law he or she wishes to govern his/her inheritance, between French law and English (or eventually Scottish) law, via a valid will.

Therefore, from 2015 it will be perfectly possible for a British expatriate in France to leave all assets to the person of his/her choice, irrespective of French inheritance rules.

Since French “forced heirship” rules are the most common source of worry amongst the British community in France, we have heard many sighs of relief!

However, whilst there is no question that this is a welcome development, which will allow considerable extra flexibility from 2015 onwards, especially for the protection of the survivor of you, it is unfortunately unlikely to be suitable in many cases.

This is because the regulation only covers inheritance rules and not inheritance taxes.

Therefore, if you have children from a previous marriage and write a will leaving everything to your spouse under English law, your wishes will be respected by the French, from 2015, but the survivor will not be able to get anything back to his/her step-children without the French Government wanting to take 60% of its value in inheritance tax.

For this reason, the new-found flexibility will have to be handled with care and it seems logical that the best option for many will continue to involve the use of the many legal measures and investment techniques available in France to ensure your wishes are met

There are many ways you can structure your assets, which allow you to reduce the effects of French inheritance rules, while keeping the family inheritance tax bill to a minimum. It is vital to take advice relating to your specific situation 


Traditionally investment experts have split assets into four broad classes; cash, bonds (government securities and corporate bonds), property & equities (shares). These asset classes are deliberately listed in that order, because the level of risk increases as you move along, with cash perceived as the least risky and equities as the most.

Conventional thinking also accepts that the more risk you are prepared to take, the greater the potential for reward, but also there is a greater possibility of losses. Therefore, you have to accept the risks when investing and your “attitude to risk” will determine how you allocate any funds available for investment.

The problem is that there is no such thing as a “risk free” investment.

You may find that statement slightly confusing, as cash in a bank account may seem to carry no risk. However, although your capital will not fluctuate in value as it would if it was invested in other assets, there are three crucial considerations which will affect the return you achieve; the gross interest rate paid, taxation and inflation.

With the European Central Bank (ECB) base rate at 1%, interest rates on offer from deposit accounts in France are currently around 2-2.5%. Certain banks offer more attractive introductory rates and there are currently a few offering up to 5%. The problem is that, generally, these rates are only available for a limited investment amount and for a limited period. Above the maximum investment limit or after the introductory period, rates revert to the “standard” offering.

If you have the time and inclination, you can, of course, shop around and switch between accounts in an effort to continually obtain the best rate you can. However, this does demand a lot of time and devotion to the task.

Interest on deposit accounts is subject to both income tax (either at your marginal rate or at source at a fixed rate of 24%) and ‘social taxes’ (currently 15.5%). This means that a gross rate of 2.5% could end up returning only 1.5% after tax. This applies whether the interest is taken out and spent or is left to accrue in the account.

You should make sure that you utilise any tax free allowances. As far as deposit accounts are concerned, the most common are:

            ‘Livret A’ - available from all banks, subject to a maximum investment of €15,300*.

            ‘Livret de Développement Durable’ - available from all banks, maximum € 6,000*.
*One of François Hollande’s election pledges is to double the limits on investment into these two types of account.

The conditions of the accounts are the same and are regulated by the government. They are only available to French residents and the current interest rate being paid is 2.25%. Interest is tax free and is earned for every 15 day period on the balance of your account, but is only applied once a year, either at the beginning of the following year or on closure of the account if you take out your money during the year.

Access to your money is instant but you may lose up to 15 days interest if you take out your money during an interest period.  The ideal is to take out money on either the 2nd or the 16th of each month.

For low-taxpayers there is a further account called the ‘Livret d’Epargne Populaire’ (LEP).

Offered by all banks, this account offers an interest rate of 2.75% for savings limited to €7,700. You have to prove, via a tax certificate, that you pay less than a specific amount of income tax in France, in order to qualify.

The other deposit account, which is commonly used is a ‘Plan d’Epargne Logement’, which is a four year savings plan, aimed at saving for house purchase and home improvement. There is no tax payable on the interest, while you are saving. If the sum is then used for the above purpose and has been blocked for four years, it can be withdrawn free of income tax (but not “social taxes”).

The third “risk” associated with deposit accounts is inflation. Currently, inflation in France is running at 2.3% and therefore unless you can obtain a net return on your money in excess of this, you will be losing value “in real terms”.

So, if you wish to obtain a reasonable return on your money without taking risks, what can you do?

One of the most competitive low risk returns on offer in France is that provided by the “Fonds en Euros” of insurance companies. This basically means that you give your money to the insurance company to invest as they see fit but, in return, they guarantee that your investment cannot go down in value and must go up by a certain amount each year. At the end of each year they work out how much they have made with your money and distribute your share of the “profits” to you as interest. These investments are obliged to be very conservative, due to the level of guarantees offered. They are therefore also affected by the fact that interest rates are currently very low and are only making just over 3% a year at present.

These returns are subject to ‘social taxes’ at source and therefore the net return is likely to be in the region of 2.7-2.8%. If annual interest is not withdrawn, it will not be subject to income tax and how it is taxed if you do withdraw it will depend upon how long you have held the investment and your income tax position.

For those who generally want a lower risk approach but are prepared to allocate some of their money to slightly higher risk assets then using ‘cautious managed’ funds could be appropriate. By investing in these, you are trusting a fund manager to select the right mix of assets to provide longer term returns. Whilst some of the money will be invested in equities, the “cautious” mandate should mean that there is far less volatility than there would be if investing exclusively in stock markets.

We are all seeking high returns at reduced levels of risk, but there is no magic formula and the best way to ensure that you achieve what you want with your investments is to seek professional advice and make sure that investment risk is fully understood before committing to anything.

Inheritance Rules for French residents – and proposed EU changes from 2015

As I hope most of you already know, under French law, if a French resident individual has children, they cannot leave assets to who they wish. Strict inheritance rules mean that children have certain rights to their deceased parent’s estate.  
For someone with one child the reserved portion is 50%, 67% for two children and 75% for three or more children, split equally between them. The remaining percentage is considered the unreserved portion and may be left to whomsoever the owner pleases.
Whilst the French forced succession rules are not changing, new EU rules on succession have recently been agreed, and once finally adopted (expected in the summer of 2012), will come into force 3 years later, in 2015. 
These new regulations will give expatriates the right to opt for the succession law of their country of nationality to apply on their death.  
Without an appropriate will, the French succession rules above would continue to be applied to a French resident’s estate.
However, with a correctly drawn up will, it should become possible from 2015 to opt to use the law of the country of your nationality.  For British nationals, this should mean that you can opt to use British rules – leaving your assets as you wish via an appropriate will.
It is vitally important to understand that, whilst it will become possible to choose to use UK law for the distribution of your estate, it is only this that has changed, as the new regulations will not apply to tax issues.
For example, whilst it will become perfectly possible to leave all of your assets to your spouse in the first instance, assets left to be divided between children and step-children would still result in the step-children facing a punitive 60% French inheritance tax on anything over a minimal allowance of €1,594.
At first glance it would appear that this will be a significant advance, since inheritance issues are the main concern of most British residents in France. However, in many cases, using the many techniques available under French law to ensure that your wishes are met and taxation is kept to a minimum, is likely to be the preferable option, so no action should be taken without professional advice.

 Tax return time is here again!

The annual tax return needs to be completed by the end of May in France.

Most of us will have some income derived from the UK and you will need the ‘pink’ form 2047 to declare income earned outside of France. The blue 2042 form is for all income (the figures transposed from the 2047 plus any income earned in France).

The tax year runs from January to December so if you arrived in France part way through last year you only include income for the time you have been resident here. The first time you will have to collect the tax forms from the tax office or Centre Des Impots and thereafter they should be sent out to you automatically. Even if all of your income is taxed or paid in the UK, or you are below the threshold, you still have to complete a tax return form if are resident here.

Here are some of the recent changes and the less obvious requirements given recent announcements by the authorities.

In general, as French tax residents you have an obligation to declare your worldwide income and assets to the French authorities. Importantly, with the ‘exchange of information’ rules now operating between European countries including, since July 2011, exchange of information from Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, the French tax authorities will receive information about income and gains earned from non-French sources. Whilst this takes time to work through the system, it is important that any information they receive corresponds to an entry on your tax return.  

The main elements of your tax returns will be similar to last year, but the following changes are worth noting:

Wealth Tax  “Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune”.

One major tax change that may affect some of you is in respect of “Wealth tax” reporting. As you will recall, the threshold for Wealth Tax was increased to €1.3m of assets, as at 1st January 2011

This year, for those who are liable to Wealth Tax, but have assets of less than €3m, there will be no need to complete a separate wealth tax return, as the declaration will now be incorporated in the income tax return. For those with net assets valued in excess of €3m, you will continue to file a separate Wealth Tax return in June.

The other major change for Wealth Tax is that any assets held in Trust for you (or by you for anyone else) will have to be declared. This may affect some of you and, for those concerned, this is a more complicated area and specialist advice is recommended.

At the same time, those of you who are not liable to Wealth Tax at present should not worry about seeing this new box on your forms, as you have nothing to declare if you are under the threshold.

Pension lump sums.

The other major change from last year’s tax declaration relates to the need to declare lump sum payments received from non-French pension schemes in 2011. Whilst these would normally be available tax-free up to a certain limit (normally 25%) if you were still a UK tax resident, such lump sum withdrawals are now taxable in France for French tax residents. The lump sum will be taxed at a flat rate of 7.5% after having benefited from an allowance of 10%.

The only exception would be a lump sum received from a military or civil service pension. Whilst this must still be declared in a different box on your form, the terms of the double tax treaty should ensure that it is not taxed.

Declaration of all foreign bank accounts and life assurance policies.

It has been a requirement for many years to declare on your income tax return the fact that you hold either bank accounts or Life Assurance Investments outside France.

You have every right to have as many of these as you like, as long as you give the details to the authorities. For bank accounts, there is a specific form (3916 – one for each account), or else you can simply list them on a separate sheet of paper. The latter is normally easier and the authorities simply want to know the details of the policy or account, the name and country of the bank/insurance company, and the name of the account holder(s).

Don’t forget that any of you who have old UK endowments or investment bonds should be declaring them.

We mention this because the recent budget has considerably increased the penalty for non-declaration, so it is worth taking the trouble to complete the boxes.

This article confirms our understanding of certain specific requirements. However, should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. However, we are not accountants and we may recommend you seek additional assistance from an accountant, if necessary.

Understanding Inheritance Rules and Tax in France

As a permanent resident of France, you will be considered “domiciled” in France for inheritance purposes and your worldwide estate will be subject to French inheritance rules and taxes.

Britain may also have the right to tax certain assets, UK property for instance, and may even try and claim your “domicile”. In the case of a dispute, it is the Double Tax Treaty on inheritance tax, which decides which country can claim your residence. The criteria are basically the same as for residence.

French inheritance rules state that your children are “protected heirs” and must inherit part of your estate. The amount involved depends on the number of children, but is at least 50% and is called the “Réserve Héréditaire”.

The remaining portion of your estate is freely disposable by will (“Testament”) and is called the “quotité disponible”.

Therefore, you need to know that, if you have children, a will leaving everything to the surviving spouse and then to the children will not be upheld in France, since the children must inherit their minimum share.

The question of the protection of the surviving spouse is therefore one of the main preoccupations of the British community in France. There are various solutions, which are more or les effective or advisable, depending on your situation.

French inheritance tax is a completely different system to the UK, since it is the beneficiary who pays the tax and tax rates and allowances vary according to your relationship to your heir.

In 2007, inheritance tax between spouses was abolished, as was tax between unmarried couples with a “Pacte Civile de Solidarité”.

For your children, French inheritance tax is perfectly reasonable, since allowances were raised in 2007 and tax rates are reasonable. For a large estate, inheritance tax is normally considerably lower than in the UK and France also offers more opportunities for reducing tax.

The problem is for those who want to leave assets to other family members or friends. For example, nephews and nieces pay 55% tax, after allowances of only €7,967 each and unrelated persons pay 60% tax after an allowance of only €1,594.

If you want to leave assets to your partner (without a PACS), to stepchildren or to friends, you know that over half of your assets will be taken by the state, so it is imperative to find another solution.

Understanding income tax in France?

As residents of France, you are obliged to declare all of your worldwide income and capital gains for tax in France. The tax year is the calendar year and there is no PAYE in France, so all income must be included in your annual tax return.

The tax declaration for 2011 income is to be submitted by the end of May 2012.  Those making their first declaration will have to obtain the forms from their local tax office.

All income declared will be subject to income tax (“impôt sur le revenu”) and “social taxes” (“contributions sociales”). The latter is an extra tax on most sources of income, which is used to finance the health and other services, and is a set percentage of what you declare.

On the other hand, income tax is on a banded system and involves a complicated calculation. This is because different allowances are given for different types of income. For instance, pension income is only taxed on 90% of its value, up to certain limits. Unlike the UK, you are taxed as a “household”, rather than as individuals, with each member of the “household” considered to earn part of the income, irrespective of its origin.

How many declarations to make.

A married couple, or a couple who have formalised their relationship through a “PACS” (“Pacte Civile de Solidarité”) will make one declaration. The combined income will be considered to be earned equally by each spouse.

Unmarried couples with no PACS should each make separate declarations.

Dependent children will be included in their parents’ tax return and will also be considered to earn part of the household income.

Married couple: 1 part each
The first two children: 1/2 part each
Third and subsequent children: 1 part each

This system obviously favours large households, but also reduces the tax burden where one partner earns the majority of the income.

What to declare?

As a French resident, you should declare all of your worldwide income and gains on your French tax return. If you pay income tax outside France (say in the UK) on the same income, the Double Tax Treaty prevents you from paying tax twice.

In fact, as non-residents of the UK, you should only be paying UK tax on UK earned income, UK public sector pensions and UK property income. These are not taxed in France, but are included in the calculation to work out your tax band for any other income. If you are paying UK tax on any other income, you will need to complete form “France Individual”, available on the Inland Revenue website, to apply to have income paid gross and recover any tax paid.

However what is tax-free in the UK is not tax-free in France. Interest, dividends or gains from PEPs/ ISAs, for example, need to be declared for tax in France.

A new rule in 2012 involves the declaration of all assets held in Trust, where the trust has a French resident settlor or beneficiary, as if the assets belonged to that person.

What exchange rate to use?
We are often asked at this time of year, and have had varying responses from different tax departments over the years. 

In theory, you should keep track of the exchange rates applicable to your Sterling income as you received it! However, for regular payments received over the year,  the authorities are happy for you to use the average rate for the year. It is our understanding that, for 2011, this was £1= €1.1483. For a large one off payment, the exchange rate on the date of receipt should be used.

Overall, income tax is relatively reasonable in France, since although the top rate is 41%, only 50% of households in France pay any income tax at all!

It tends to be a large amount of bank interest or investment income, which makes the largest difference to your tax bills and, with proper planning, it is relatively easy in France to shelter investment income from income tax

Jennie Poate is Regional Manager of Siddalls France, Independent Financial Advisers specialising in tax, inheritance, investment and pension planning, for  the British community in France since 1996. or e-mail 

Your Place of Residence

Many of you will reside partly in the UK and partly in France, with homes in both countries and therefore may assume that you will remain UK resident for tax purposes.

Under French law the simple fact of owning a home in France means that you can be considered French resident. You may also fulfil residence criteria under UK law.

The question is to decide which country has the greatest claim on your residence. The answer is normally found in the appropriate Double Tax Treaty. These are bilateral agreements, between two countries, which set out the rules for:

1. Which country has the greatest claim on your residence.
2. Which country has the right to tax different sources of income, your assets and in certain cases, inheritance.
3. How to ensure that you are not taxed twice on the same amount.

France has signed two treaties with the UK, for income tax and for inheritance tax, which basically, with certain exceptions, allow the country which has the greatest claim on your residence, to tax all of your worldwide income and assets.

The criteria for determining which country has the greatest claim on your residence are:

1. Where is your ‘home’?
2. If you have more than one home, then where is your place of ‘vital interest’?
3. If that cannot be determined, where is your ‘habitual abode’?
4. If you spend exactly the same time in each of your ‘homes’, it is the country of your nationality which has the greatest claim.

Therefore if you have sold your UK home or rented it out, you will automatically become resident of France from that date. Indeed if you come to France with the intention of residing here, you should declare your intention to your local Mairie within 90 days of your arrival. 

In the past we have heard “I do not intend to spend six months in any country”. The point is that the 6 month or 183 day rule is only relevant to deciding which of two countries is your ‘habitual abode’. If more than two countries are involved and you have homes in each then the country which has right to claim your residence will normally be the one in which you spend most of your time.

The tax year in France runs from January to December, with the tax declaration being completed the following May. Therefore if you have arrived in say September 2011, you will complete a tax declaration for September to December 2011 in May 2012 for the French tax authorities.

It is very important that you are registered for tax correctly in France. Getting professional advice for your finances is vital.

This article is by no means comprehensive. This is the first in a series which aims to cover the type of taxes that may be applicable to your income and assets here in France.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Jennie Poate, Regional Manager for Siddalls France, who have been providing impartial independent financial advice to the British community for over 15 years.  tel: 0688475303 or email