Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The Bank Holidays in June this year.......

Thursday 2nd - Ascension Day ( with Friday 3rd June as the 'pont', or bridge, between the bank holiday and the weekend)

Sunday 12th - Pentecoste

Monday 13th - Saint Antoine (the day following Pentecoste)

Saturday 18th - Fête de la Musique

Sunday 19th - Fête des Pères (Fathers Day)

Ideas in Mayenne for a Day Out!

Zoo La Bourbansais - 35720 Pleugueneuc(Between Rennes and St Malo)

Zoo de la Fleche - 72200 La Fleche

Saint Loup du Gast - Velo rail -1 hour - €15
Jublains - Roman baths, fortress, temple, museum  - website
Craon - Rent a pedalo to explore the Murier Lake!
Daon - Pedal boat, electric boat, row boat and mini-golf - Base de Loisirs
Chateau Gontier - Chocolate Factory -
St Denis d'Anjou - Mediaval Town -
La Boissiere - Merlin's Manor! -

See more things to do on the News and Events page of the website

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